Kaspersky Internet Securiti is an advanced solution to ensure the security of your computer. It offers excellent anti-virus kernels, firewalls and anti-phishing features. New design, protection from Ransomvare and safe cash improvements are some of the best new features.
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Kaspersky Internet Securiti uses the same interface and scanning engine as Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and offers excellent real-time protection against attacks from other people, worms, and all kinds of malicious programs. Even when searching, he identifiesand blocks accessing sites.
Kaspersky Internet Securiti integrates a self-defense mechanism that can block files from unwanted behavior, useful for preventing potential malware that does not yet recognize the database.
The new version of Kaspersky also providesAdditional protection against Ransomvare, including features that prevent the activation of a remote webcam using malicious software. This additional level of protection in Wi-Fi networks, you know the potential network security problems in Gelfeldan.
Together with a powerful enginethe flat offers a simple user interface and unsolicited email, as well as AdBlocker, eenGameprofile for players, eenPersonal control function and a virtual keyboard for entering protected personal information (useful for online transactions or for hiding hidden caching).
Kisprovides a safe place money, add-on that allows you to safely and safely conduct online transactions. Kaspersky Internet SecuritiToolsessions also contains a set of security tools for the system:
Vulnerability scan. Identifies system errors or installed third-partyapplications. Provides instant solutions to problems.
Kaspersky Disk Rescue: creates a CD or a moving USB-drive with the engine.
Windows troubleshooting: scans your system and solves problems that could be caused by a specific malware.
Paste Cleaner: clears spam files fromsystems (cookies, cache, diaries, etc.).
Browser configuration: analyzes the settings of Internet Explorer and offers optimization for the security key (the tool is only compatible with IE).
Virus protection: provides real-time protection against new threats and real-time informationtime the website’s reputation for each site visited.
Network Monitor: analyzes traffic data, shows sports and active links and other information about network activities.
Application Management: displays real-time usage dataCPU, RAM and hard disk. Monitoring the activity of the software installed on your computer to indicate the degree of reputation and, if necessary, intervene to apply restrictions to its use.
Finally, KIS is a new feature that automaticallyupdate your product to the latest version
This Kaspersky is a conversion. The new design is dedicated to the essence and makes the interface cleaner and more useful.
The main screen shows the security status of your computer and provides easy access to important areas suchlike scanning, updating, safe money and parental control. Additional tools are available using the Shov Ektra toolbar.
The basic configuration of Kaspersky Internet Securiti is suitable for most users. Advanced users can interfere with the menu.”Settings” in the interface to install the package as a wall for your computer
Kaspersky Internet Securiti combines one of the most reliable security packages available on the market. The new design contributes to the utility, especially for inexperienced users. Virus scanner is one ofbest in class and has a number of additional features that make it more demanding for more advanced users.
The benefits of KIS are smaller than the resources for the latest version, but the values are still high, so it’s best to use them on a computer with relativelygood equipment. Finally, it is an unusual and reliable package that guarantees a high level of protection for your computer.
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