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Even before the launch of the web-WhatsApp, Telegram now offers a desktop version of the report on security. Compared with a Skype, the functions may be less brilliant, but WhatsApp for a few more years to come, since we still do not let a desktop client (as pakazanazasnavalniki).Telematics Desktop is also available for the Mac. Send a telegram to all the (function () {( 'Overview of application-page desktop')}}; According to a telegram to the working plotZa use it, you must have already signed up for an account in the Android app, the IOS and Windows Phone. after a patsverzhannyadadenyyaa mobile app, you can start a chat. With the application you can use your mobile contacts send a message easily, an unlimited number of audio and video files to be sent (in batches, if you like) and insert emoticonsand stickers lideravGandi known world. Telegram to run business-plotintegrira well with other social networking sites (eg, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter) and shows the preview of all common applications and content AnIN all Instagram- or Twitter mentions to be interactive in these reviews. voiceand videaAle they are not currently available. While your contacts in the phone is automatically synchronized with the desktop version, you can also search for other people by their user name. Notification Preferences mogatmozhe be edited for each contact. getaGetaYou can effectively disable one, when you send too many messages. One of the strengths of the telegram is a function of a group chat. Unlike other messaging applications, wireless can have multiple administrators. Administrators can zmyanitsfotaand the name of the group, and add or remove users. With the service, you can create groups of up to 1000 people! speed and security priority naSigurnostta always the main difference between the telegram, and it is no different from the desktop version. suvyaziYany encrypted in the cloud, butno secret chat (self-destruction is not stored on company servers), as well as possible alternative directions for the desktop version. In terms of safety at the desktop client access, Telegram for Desktop includes two-factor authentication provides additional yakiSTEPstop unauthorized entry. The program also allows you to view all the locations / devices where you're logged into your account, and complete the individual classes. With WhatsApp acquisition on Facebook has a problem that happens to the data telegram karystalnika.Vos wants to win the promise landnot to sell customer data. The speed even more points of sale of the telegram. Send desetSnimkite number were made immediately, as well as audio and video can be loaded and shipped very quickly. while versiyapratsovny table may not work on mobile nurses (secretcalls, voice messaging and group calls), it is still reasonable messaging service. Messages easily synchronized between devices. Once you've seen a message on one device, pakazvaetstsaAznaomivshysya with another device, so you do not haveseveral transactions izvestiyatryabva. WhatsApp say? Telegram is a reliable alternative to WhatsApp, especially since the latter is not a desktop client. Because privacy and security are crucial a value for modern consumers, the telegram has established a strong position inmarket. The desktop client is not as well equipped as other free alternatives, such as Viber, Skype and Line, but when it comes to speed and safety, this app is for you.