CRM-systems: implementation rules and features

You'll find out:

  • How to choose a customer relationship management system
  • How to solve the problem of doubles and misprints during implementation of a CRM<-system
  • How to motivate the IT team and what to do before the project starts

The basic functions of the CRM-system (storage of contacts of contractors and the simplest history of interaction with them) appeared in our company together with the first accounting system in 1996. However with growth of client base there was a requirement for introduction of CRM-system which could solve following problems (former system did not allow it).

  1. Know all customer data and get to know them. The customer can have many phone numbers, contact persons, email addresses, etc. The old system did not allow to enter so much information, and it often happened that the manager promised to call the customer back, but didn't do it because the phone was written on a lost paper. In addition, the system had to show that we interact with the same counterparty, even if we use different contact details.
  2. To exchange information quickly. Different employees and different departments can work with the client. When the number of employees grew to 20 and we started to serve more than 100 customers a year, it turned out to be very important to know who and when went to whom, what he promised, etc.
  3. To be more flexible when presenting documents to clients. Most of our customers have several legal entities. For example, we are often asked to issue a certificate for services to one legal entity, and to ship the goods to another.

ITDEVGROUP provides CRM development services, please contact us if you need it

Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)

CRM, CRM-system (abbreviation for Customer Relationship Management) - the applied software for the organisations intended for automation of strategies of interaction with customers (clients), in particular, for increase in a level of sales, optimisation of marketing and improvement of service of clients by preservation of the information on clients and history of relations with them, establishments and improvement of business processes and the subsequent analysis of results.

The basic purpose of introduction of CRM-system, as a rule, increase of degree of satisfaction of clients at the expense of the analysis of the saved up information on client behaviour, regulation of a tariff policy, adjustment of tools of marketing is put. Due to application of the automated centralized data processing there is an opportunity effectively and with minimum participation of employees to consider individual requirements of customers, and due to efficiency of processing - to carry out early identification of risks and potentialities.

Employees refuse to use CRM. How do I suppress resistance?

When a company implements a CRM system, employees can get seriously nervous and start to resist.  Now they had to record every step. For the staff to agree to use CRM, you need to show the benefits that this system provides.

In an article in the CEO magazine, five of your colleagues talk about hard tools that are used to suppress resistance to CRM systems.

Classification of CRM-systems 

1 Operating CRM - the first developed data class of systems.  

Among the functions of operating systems CRM should be noted:

Effective variant for work of the leasing and insurance organizations, the trading and design companies. Hence, an actual choice for the enterprises engaged in multistage and long projects, with attraction of set of employees or several divisions.

2 Analytical CRM - the recently appeared class performing a number of functions:

The given class of products CRM is actual for the companies with a considerable quantity of short transactions. Typically in this area are retail chains, small wholesale companies, mass service enterprises.

3. Combined CRM - the third direction of systems, to which the basic part of manufacturers aspires today. After all, there are often situations that go beyond the current business processes. 

Tasks that help solve CRM

  • planning, coordination of contacts with company customers;
  • control of complex and lengthy transactions;
  • collection, typification of all possible data about clients of the organization;
  • analysis of each stage of transactions or projects;
  • formalisation of all customer relationship processes.
  • merger with accounting systems;
  • analyze warehouse inventory and enterprise purchases;
  • analyze the product range, product prices;
  • analyze sales (by different profiles);
  • analyze competitors, the market on which the enterprise operates;
  • classify the target audience according to different criteria;
  • analyze the effectiveness of marketing and other factors.
  • Improvement of quality of work of managers: with storage in a uniform system of full history of relations with consumers.
  1. Increasing the efficiency of managers' work: thanks to the CRM capabilities, routine operations, including the preparation of standard documents, electronic mailing, etc., are greatly simplified.
  2. Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. It is also determined how the client became aware of the company, why the choice was made in favor of a particular supplier.
  3. Target marketing: compiling target groups of consumers, with the selection of the most profitable categories for the company.
  4. Increasing customer loyalty: using the system you can learn information about birthdays of business partners, with the storage of data on their preferences, etc.
  5. Sales volume planning: operative drawing up of a report with any cut of data, determination of monthly planned sales volumes in relation to each manager.
  6. Project management: the network schedule displays tasks and milestones, a convenient tool for monitoring project implementation.
  7. Transparency of activities is achieved through the automation of business processes in the company.
  8. Control over the execution of orders.
  9. Day planning and time management: managers can mark the progress of the task, with the definition of the evaluation of the efficiency of the use of the working day.